Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee
Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee

Maarten Loomans

Short bio

Maarten is not only junior researcher at the research group Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE), but also within the research line Care Innovation (ZInn). With his education in innovation management, he stimulates creativity and innovation within innovation projects, which he helps to initiate, coordinate, facilitate and implement.


Maarten is involved in the ESF project 'implementation of care innovation' on the development of a new educational module within the health care cluster. In addition, he is conducting the effectiveness study for a development project of a digitally supported care path for type 2 diabetes patients, in cooperation with iMens and Z-Plus. Furthermore, within the Connect-Create-test project of ZorgLab Aalst, he organises and facilitates co-creation sessions for starting entrepreneurs.

Center for Sustainable
02 609 88 64