Philippe Eiselein
Short bio
Philippe Eiselein is senior researcher at Odisee University College and part of the scientific research center CenSE (Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship). He currently focuses on (business) sustainability projects, such as cross-sector partnerships for circular economies (collaborations between governments, academia, business and civil society) and competencies for future jobs and markets. His fields of specialisation revolve around social entrepreneurship, and the circular economy.
He currently works on projects on social innovation competences and curricula development. He also focused on (corporate) sustainability projects, such as cross-sector partnerships for circular economies, and competences for future jobs and markets for people from the social economy.
He obtained his PhD as a commercial engineer and is part-time professor of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School of the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He supported the VUB Chair in Social Entrepreneurship for more than eight years as teaching assistant, coach and webmaster.
Moreover, he has gained experience in sustainability engagement and partnerships, having been coordinator of Belgium Impact (2018-2021), the national platform supporting more than 300 Belgian impactful social entrepreneurs. Founded by His Majesty the King of Belgium, it aimed to further stimulate the Belgian social entrepreneurship ecosystem and inspire others through a transdisciplinary approach.
- Current
- Erasmus+ European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC)
- Erasmus GrowthFundMe
- 2021-2023
- ESF S-Circel: circular and social ecosystems with a view to transition to paid employment
- PWO Circular transition through sustainable partnerships
Contact details
Phone: 0478 79 40 51
Main publications:
- [2023 – EN] Gonzalez, A. D., Griffin, J. J., Eiselein, P., & Dentchev, N. (2023). Supportive Ecosystems for Social Enterprises: The Role of Family Firms . New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023. Maastricht University Press.
- Eiselein, P. (2022) “Funding social enterprises” In Social Entrepreneurship and vulnerable social groups. Edited by Dentchev, N., Roncancio Marin, J., Alba Ortuño, C., Outsios, G., Kapodistrian University of Athens press
- Eiselein, P., Brabant, K., Keygnaert, W. (2023) “Developing sustainable partnerships for circular economies: a literature review” In stakeholder engagement in sustainable circular economy. Theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Edited by Johanna Kujala, anna Heikinnen, Annika Blomberg. Palgrace MacMillan.
- Eiselein, P. and Dentchev, N.A. (2021), “Scaling social impact: what challenges and opportunities await social entrepreneurs”, Social Entrepreneurship (Business and Society 360, Vol. 5), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.
- Eiselein, P. and Dentchev, N.A. (2020), "Managing conflicting objectives of social enterprises", Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 431-451.
- Dentchev, N., Eiselein, P., Vander Velpen, K., Bouckaert, M., & Gonzalez, A. A. D. (2020). A financial guide for social entrepreneurs (